All posts by: hurryyat

Palestinian Detainee Dies in Israeli Custody PHROC: Israeli Authorities Bear Responsibility for Palestinian Prisoners’ Life and Protection from Medical Negligence, Torture and Ill-Treatment

The Palestinian Human Rights Organization Council holds the Israeli occupation authorities fully responsible for the death of Nasser Taqatqa, 31, who died while being held in Nitzan prison on 16 July 2019. According to the preliminary information available to our organizations, Taqtaqa was arrested from his home in Beit Fajjar on 19 June 2019, a […]

                                                       Palestinian Prisoners in the Face of Restrictions

Palestinian prisoners at the prisons of the Occupation called off their open hunger strike, which had lasted for eight days, as they made victory by getting their basic rights, after a series of systematic violations that they are subjected to. The violations had aimed to place the Palestinian prisoners under more constraints in detention especially […]

NGO STATEMENT: Palestinian Support for Indigenous Peoples’ Day Commemorations and Historical Justice from Palestine to Turtle Island

In August 2018, several Palestinian human rights organizations attended The Red Nation’s annual conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We, the undersigned Palestinian human rights and community organizations, state as follows: In August 2018, several Palestinian human rights organizations attended The Red Nation’s annual conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Red Nation, a community organization dedicated […]

PHROC Condemns Israel’s Latest Deportation of Eminent Dutch Human Rights Defenders, Lydia de Leeuw and Pauline Overeem

The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC) strongly condemns Israel’s refusal to allow two human rights defenders to enter the country.  Lydia de Leeuw and Pauline Overeem, are both esteemed senior legal researchers for the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) in the Netherlands, who work on business and human rights. Although travelling separately, […]

PHROC Calls for the Opening of a Criminal Investigation into the Assault on Deputy Attorney General Samir Banat

The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC) condemns the crime that was committed against Palestinian deputy attorney general, Mr. Samir Banat, and calls upon Palestine’s attorney general to open a criminal investigation into his assault and to refer all those involved to the judiciary. According to documentation by PHROC members, at around 3:00 am on […]

Israel’s Occupation Threatens Christian Holy Sites in Jerusalem

On 25 February 2018, the Patriarchs and Heads of Local Churches in Jerusalem announced the closure of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem as a measure of protest against Israel’s deliberate violation of the status quo and its systematic campaign of targeting Churches and the Christian presence therein. Israel’s Jerusalem Municipality, has demanded […]

MK Oren Hazan and a Right-Wing Israeli Group Assault Palestinian Families on their way to Visit their Detained Relatives at Nafha Prison

On Monday, 25 December 2017, Israeli right-wing Likud Member of Knesset (MK) Oren Hazan assaulted a bus transporting families of Palestinian political prisoners from Gaza to Nafha Prison, beyond the Green Line, to visit their detained relatives. Together with a group of right-wing Israelis, MK Hazan blocked the entrance to Nafha Prison, boarded the bus […]

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