All posts by: hurryyat

PHROC open letter calling upon the President of the Swiss Federal Council to convene a conference of the High Contracting Parties to urgently address Israel’s violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention

Your Excellency, President Didier Burkhalter, Distinguished Members of the Swiss Federal Council,   As Palestinian human rights organizations concerned with respect for international humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) calls upon Your Excellency to convene a conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva […]

PHROC Joint Open Letter to the EU High Representative regarding Collective Punishment of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory during Operation Brothers’ Keeper

Baroness Catherine Ashton High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy The European Union   Dear EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, On 12 June 2014, three Israeli settlers disappeared from the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Since their disappearance, Israel has engaged in large-scale searches, closures, and raids across the OPT, resulting […]

PHROC Mourns the Loss of Nelson Mandela

The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC) offers its deepest condolences to the family of Nelson Mandela and the people of South Africa. The death of Mandela is a tremendous loss, not only for South Africa, but also for the entire world. During his long walk to freedom, Madiba became the hope, heart, and voice […]

PHROC letter on the EU’s position on and participation in Agenda Item 7 of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Dear High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Chair of the Council’s United Nations Working Party, and Chair of the Council’s Working Party on Human Rights, The Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) would like to express its deep regret at the European Union’s (EU) position on and non-participation in agenda item 7 of […]

PHROC Position Paper on the Return to Direct Negotiations with Israel under US Auspices

The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC), a coalition of 12 Palestinian human rights organizations operating in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, believes in the importance of settling international conflicts peacefully and believes that negotiations are a legitimate means to achieve this end, provided that they adhere to international legal standards. These standards include:   […]

PHROC Welcome the EU’s Adherence to International Law Through the Adoption of EU Guidelines on EU Support to Israeli Entities or Activities in Illegal Settlements

On 16 July 2013, the European Union (EU) announced its adoption of a Commission Notice providing guidelines “on the eligibility of Israeli entities and their activities in the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967 for grants, prizes, and financial instruments funded by the EU from 2014 onwards” (guidelines). As members of the Palestinian Human […]

Human Rights Council 22nd Session: Al-Haq and PHROC Present Statements on Third-States’ Responsibilities

Today, 18 March, Al-Haq presented two oral statements, including one on behalf of the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC)*, to the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council for its 22nd session during the General Debate on “Item 7: The Human Rights Situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories,” where the report of the UN […]

PHROC to Participate in World Social Forum-Free Palestine

The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC)* is pleased to announce its participation in the World Social Forum-Free Palestine (WSF), which takes place from 28 November to 1 December 2012, in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil. This global event is a public space to share ideas and strategise ways to maximise the potential for […]

PHROC Presents Oral Statement of Culture of Impunity in Israel

Today, 24 September, Al-Haq presented a joint oral statement on behalf of the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council* to the UN Human Rights Council for its 21st session during the General Debate on Item 7: The Human Rights Situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories. The statement  highlights the climate of impunity that prevails in Israel and the […]

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