All posts by: hurryyat

Discussion between Human Rights Organizations and Preventive Security Forces about Palestine’s obligations to UN Convention against Torture

The Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat,” along with the Independent Commission for Human Rights, initiated a round table meeting with the participation of the Preventive Security Forces, the Human Rights Organizations Council, and the Palestinian Coalition against Torture discussing Palestine’s obligations following the accession to the United Nations Convention against Torture […]

Israel above the law: PHROC strongly condemns Israeli efforts to obstruct justice

The Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) condemns in the strongest terms Israel’s latest and unfortunately, far too common attempt to obstruct the work of international human rights and justice mechanisms in investigating Israeli violations of international law against the Palestinian population. The latest charade put up by Israel is an attempt to undermine an […]

General Intelligence Directorate Workshop Concerning the Accession of Palestine to UN Convention against Torture

The Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat” engages in an educational meeting and dialogue with the general intelligence directorate as part of Hurryyat’s pursuit of enforcing and committing to the laws of Human rights, and working through the most suitable and fair means under the umbrella of international humanitarian law and the […]

An Open Dialogue between Human Rights Organizations and General Intelligence Agency leadership

The Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat” initiated a round table meeting today in participation of a number of Human Rights Organizations Council managers, the Palestinian Coalition against Torture and the General Intelligence Agency leadership discussing Palestine’s obligations after the accession to the UN Convention against Torture and the cooperation mechanisms to […]

Hurryyat: The International Criminal Court Prosecutor’s decision to open a preliminary investigation is a step in the right direction

The Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat” welcomes the International Criminal Court attorney general Fatou Bensouda’s decision to start a preliminary investigation regarding the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation authorities towards the Occupied Palestinian Territory within the International Criminal Court’s authority. The center hopes that this step will be the foundation […]

PHROC Raises Serious Concerns Regarding the Development of Master Plans Requiring Israeli Approval in Area C of the West Bank

The Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) calls on all third States and the State of Palestine to carry out thorough risk assessments before funding or facilitating the development of Master Plans in Area C that require prior Israeli approval. By basing the development of these Master Plans on Israeli Civil Administration (ICA) approval, donors […]

PHROC: Palestinian leadership must base any Security Council resolution on international law

Ahead of the submission of a United Nations Security Council resolution on ending the occupation, the Palestinian Human Rights Organization Council (PHROC) urges the Palestinian leadership to ensure that any proposed resolution is in conformity with international legal standards and will not permit the circumvention of international law in a political settlement . PHROC reminds […]

The dangers of decontextualising East Jerusalem: CCPRJ and PHROC urge the international community to address Israel’s responsibility as an Occupying Power

The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem (CCPRJ) and the Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) are deeply concerned about the ongoing escalation of violence against civilians in occupied East Jerusalem and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) at-large. This paper will illustrate that the driving force of this escalation is Israel’s belligerent occupation and […]

Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Condemn Israel’s Ban on Access of International Independent Commission of Inquiry to Gaza

Human rights organizations are following up with utmost concern the developments related to the work of the International Independent Commission of Inquiry established by the UN Human Rights Council to investigate the latest offensive launched by Israeli occupation forces on the Gaza Strip. The organizations condemn the ban imposed by Israel, the occupying power, on […]

PHROC Launches an Urgent Appeal Calling for International Intervention on Behalf of Palestinian Civilians in Gaza

The Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) calls for an urgent intervention on behalf of the international community to protect civilian victims of the Israeli aerial bombardment and ground invasion – so-called “Operation Protective Edge” – in the Gaza Strip. As of 3 pm on 30 July, at least 1,263 Palestinian civilians had been killed, including 249 […]

PHROC Open Letter regarding the EU’s responsibility to stop Israel’s targeting of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Ambassadors of the EU Political and Security Committee   Your Excellencies, On 8 July 2014, the European Union (EU) issued a statement addressing the ongoing engagement of hostilities in the occupied Gaza Strip. In its short statement, the EU strongly condemned the “indiscriminate […]

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