Hurryyat: the Decision of the Israeli Supreme Court Concerning Mohammad al-Qiq Equals Death Sentence

The Center for the Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat” is gravely concerned about the decision of the Israeli Supreme Court to delay issuing a decision in the case of administrative detainee Muhammad al-Qiq who is on a hunger strike since 65 days which led to the deterioration in his health conditions putting his life at risk. The center considers this decision as on outrageous collaboration with the occupation authorities refusing to release him and exposing him to slow-death.

Al-Qiq’s strike against administrative detention is an extension of the individual and collective struggles against this policy. Despite these struggles and strikes, the occupation authorities have escalated the practice of administrative detention since the beginning of the popular outburst last October where the number of administrative detainees has exceeded 550 detainees including 4 minors. This reflects the occupation’s disregard for international law and the international organizations and committees who emphasized the illegality of arbitrary detention. Most recently, the European Union delegation to Palestine expressed their concern about the persistence of the administrative detention policy and about Muhammad al-Qiq’s life.

As Hurryyat welcomes this position, it looks forward to turn it into concrete lobbying practices against the Israeli government to stop this policy and release the administrative detainees.

Hurryyat also calls for a national Palestinian campaign against the administrative detention policy practiced violently against the Palestinian citizens of different ages, and to take this campaign to different levels until the Israeli authorities are forced to cancel this policy and release the administrative detainees.