Solidarity Letter from Professor Norman Paech \ Former Member of the German Parliament

Dear Khalida Jarrar,

We announce our solidarity with you and demand your immediate release along with the release of all political Palestinian prisoners.

You were arrested in the Israeli Occupation prisons since the 2nd of April under administrative detention that was renewed indefinitely. This type of detention was legislated during the British Mandate on Palestine; it is a colonialist law. This type of detention violates human rights and is inappropriate for any State of law or any society that prides itself in being democratic. Indeed, this is “the Guantanamo of Israel.”

When I met you in your office back in Ramallah, October 2009, you expressed your loss of hope in the peace process with the Israeli Government. There is nowhere for peace with politicians who disavow and disclaim the basic rights of the Palestinian people.

Sadly, you have proved the validity of your stance after all these years. We are far from realizing or achieving the rights of the Palestinian people, particularly the right to self-

determination, and the right to return, or any international conference for bestowing peace to guarantee these rights.

Despite the hardships, we will keep struggling against the occupation towards peace and justice through the legal and political means possible.

We declare our solidarity with you and demand your immediate release and the immediate release of all Palestinian political prisoners.

My special greetings to you as we completely confide in you and believe that you will not give up, and so we assure you we will never do.