مركز الدفاع عن الحريات والحقوق المدنية

Hurryyat: Capital Punishment against Palestinian Prisoners Racial Systematic State Terrorism

The Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat” condemns the Israeli Knesset decision of discussing the “death sentence for terrorists” bill against Palestinian prisoners, deeming it a dangerous immoral and racial approach that transgresses humanitarian principles.

This gesture shortly followed the decision of Israeli military commander of the West Bank division to implement the Criminal Law on every Palestinian fighting for the freedom and independence of their people. This gesture represents a response to the political, diplomatic, and legal battle which granted Palestine a non-member observer State status in the United Nations enabling Palestine to join the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Hurryyat calls for uniting the efforts on a national scale to face this racist campaign aiming at threatening the determination of the Palestinian people, destroying the resistance of prisoners, and reaping their legal rights in freedom. Hurryyat also calls for supporting political prisoners, protecting them through their recognition as war prisoners, and exposing the ICC to all the atrocities that the occupation commits against them.

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