Hurryyat: The International Criminal Court Prosecutor’s decision to open a preliminary investigation is a step in the right direction

The Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat” welcomes the International Criminal Court attorney general Fatou Bensouda’s decision to start a preliminary investigation regarding the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation authorities towards the Occupied Palestinian Territory within the International Criminal Court’s authority. The center hopes that this step will be the foundation for further investigations in the fatal Israeli crimes, especially after Palestine’s accession to the Rome Statute valid as of April, 2015.

Hurryyat considers this decision a concrete foundation to creating a new phase in holding perpetrators accountable for their crimes as the basic International Law states. This explains the hesitation and the furious reactions among the Israeli occupation and its allies in the international arena.

While Hurryyat Center acknowledges Palestine’s accession to the Rome, it also calls the Palestinian Leadership to proceed with its legal fight to the end, take any necessary measures to progress the Israeli crimes’ documented files and submit it to the ICC. A national legal committee for this cause will be a plus.

Moreover, Hurryyat calls the international and human rights organizations to show solidarity with and support to the Palestinian people in their defense to gain their rights and achieve liberty and independence.